Out with one president, in with the new president besides a title changes what else changes on inauguration day from one president to another president?Every four or eight years, depending on if the current president is reelected, if eligible, on inauguration day or the swearing-in day, depending on how you would like to refer to this day, the transfer power from one to another, some of it is symbolic or just tradition behind-the-scenes there’s quite a bit of work that has to be completed. The White House: On inauguration day, the current president, along with their significant other, children, pets if they have any must vacate the White House in order for the White House to undergo a transformation from the previous president to the new president. The current president must be packed up, moved out and the transformation of the private residence where the president resides needs to be cleaned, redecorated, and have the new president moved it, the same thing goes with the oval office, majority of the furniture, decor is packed away and stored and redecorated to the taste of the new president, although there are some pieces that remain out on display. Websites and social media: ![]() bidenwhitehouse.gov While the White House goes under a physical transformation from one president to another, official website for the White House also undergoes transformation as well. At noon when the current president now becomes former president of the United States and the elected president now officially becomes president of the United States upon taking the oath of office the new website is made available for the new president. The Biden White House Website is archived at bidenwhitehouse.gov, along with any social media accounts that were associated with the Biden administration. ![]() Whitehouse.gov |
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