The TikTok effect: The day that first amendment is slowly being slipped from under us and some of you are sheep. WAKE UP!

I think the Supreme Court’s to uphold the TikTok ban made the wrong decision and anyone who supports to Supreme Court’s decision should be very careful on what they are supporting as this has opened a extremely slippery slope that can have unattended consequences that can come back to haunt us. So be careful what you wishing for.

Our government claims that TikTok is a threat to our national security so if TikTok is a threat to our national security, why wasn’t TikTok banned immediately without any delay? I mean, if something is a threat to our national security should we have taken immediate action to eliminate the threat?

What about the hundreds of apps that are available on the App Store or Google play store? Don’t they pose the same risk? Shouldn’t we go after them as well? Why single out one app over many other apps? Not just oppose a threat either what about websites? There’s plenty of websites that are probably not safe so we’re gonna go after them too?

Could the TikTok ban resurrect the secret weapon called SOPA and PIPA come back from the dead?

Does anyone remember something called SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) and PIPA (Protect IP Act) back in 2012, these two pieces of legislation if they were passed this would have given the Hollywood basically a magic finger that if they point at a website and say this website is engaging in online piracy it must be blocked a.k.a. banned and critics who oppose these pieces of legislation said that this would break the Internet and create censorship.

I do not agree with the Supreme Court’s decision in upholding the TikTok ban as I think this is definitely going to open a very slippery slope where it is going to shift from just being “natural security“ to other things without any type of due process where we’re basically resurrecting SOPA, PIPA.


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