Truth Social: After logging in now what to do? The in-depth unofficial help page for commonly accessed information and questions

Before you start using your Truth Social account you should know a few things and you should also take a look around. We will also answer some questions like how can I change my email? How can I change my password? Can I keep my truths only available to those who follow me? Can I change my username?

Truth social has some help pages although the information seems to be lacking so I decided to create a more in-depth unofficial help page for commonly accessed information.

Let’s start exploring:

After you have entered your login credentials it may take a while for you to login as seen in the screenshot below. It will then say loading for a few seconds.

Loading…. (Note: While it is loading you may not see your avatar as seen in the image below.

Once you’re logged in and everything is loaded let’s go ahead and explore this screen. We will be using the image below as we explore the top and the bottom.

Top part

  • At the very top where you see “truth” toward the center that’s called us to top navigation, you’ll also see in the upper left-hand corner your profile image or also known as avatar.
  • Below where it says “truth” you see the white T, that is the account who posted the truth, next is the name, under that is the @name, then we see a check-mark this means the account has been verified, and on the right-side we see 2d, this is how old the truth is.

Bottom part

See where it says “604” that is the number of comments, next is the two arrows is the number of re-truths, hart if the number of people who like it and what looks like a U with an arrow pointing up is this your pop-up menu for sharing on other platforms including sharing by text, email. This menu is by your device not the social media app.

In screenshot above you see feed (your on that now), search, alerts and messages.

  • Right above the four items that I just mentioned you see a large where is circle with a pencil that is to send a truth out
  • In the large space is the feed area you can do you see the feed that you have.

A little more on the search, alerts and messages:

  • The Search page will allow you to type in someone’s name or part of it. i.e. WQY will bring up WQYU and anyone else who matches part or the full name.
  • The Alerts page will show you any alerts that you received.
  • The Messages will show you any messages that you received.

The menu:

Tapping on your avatar will reveal a menu, on the menu we will work our way from top to bottom.

  • On the left-hand corner toward the top we see our avatar, next to the avatar, display name followed by the username, right below this we see the number of followers and adjacent to that is the people who you are following.
  • If you tap on Followers, this will show you who is following you and if you tap on Following, this will show you who are you following.
  • Below the followers and following we see profile, blocks, mute, security and preferences and then log out.

Let’s go ahead and explore profile, so please tap on “profile” to see your profile.

  • On your profile you will see a background image if you chose to have one comment right below your background image you’ll see your avatar, blow your avatar you will see an icon that looks like an arrow coming out of a box that is to share your profile URL on other social media platforms including email, text message.
  • We also see the number of followers followed by how many people you’re following below that we see what date you joined and below that we see Truths which is similar to tweet, next to that we see Truths and Replies which is similar to tweets and replies and last media.

From your profile as seen in the screenshot above, tap on the arrow on the top-left-hand corner then tap on your avatar to show the menu again.

Now we see profile (we just tapped on that), below we see blocks and mutes. I won’t be showing any screenshots of blocks and mutes as both are pretty straightforward however I will cover them briefly.

  • Blocks: If you tap on blocks, this is a list of accounts that you have chosen to block. In the upper left hand corner to go back to the menu click on the arrow, then click on your avatar to see the menu again.
  • Mutes: If you tap on mutes, this is a list of accounts that you have chosen to mute. In the upper left hand corner to go back to the menu click on the arrow, then click on your avatar to see the menu again.

Security and Preferences

Tapping on security and preferences displays a new page, I will not be showing a screenshot for each as most of the items on this page is pretty straightforward however I will cover them briefly.

Under the category security:

  • Change email: If you tap on change email, the next page will reveal the form to enter your new email address that you wish to use and you’ll need to type your password to confirm.
  • Change password: If you tap on change password, the next screen will reveal the change password page in which you will need to enter your current password that you were currently using and he will then need to enter your new password. According to the change password page the password must be a minimum of eight characters, one capital letter and one lowercase
  • 2-Factor authentication: disabled by default

The next category preferences

  • Load media: enabled by default
  • Auto play animated Gifs: enabled by default
  • Auto play videos: enabled by default

The last category in Security and Preferences is other

  • Under other you have legal, third-party licenses then you have appearances system which is selected by default, light and dark.
  • Under other options if you tap on other options there’s only one option which is to delete your account

The FAQs

How can I change my email?

  • If you are logged in, tap on your avatar > Security and Preferences > change email > enter your new email address and then password then type in your password > tap on Save Changes.

How can I change my password?

  • If you are logged in, tap on your avatar > Security and Preferences > change password > enter you currant password then type in your new password > tap on Save Changes. Note the password must be a minimum of eight characters, one capital letter and one lowercase.

Can I keep my truths only available to those who follow me an I approve?

  • No, it does not seem that Truth Social supports this at this time.

On No! When I signed up I made an error in choosing my @name, can this be changed?

  • No, if you chose your @name this cannot be changed, however your display name can be changed. (Your display name is the name that does not have the at symbol.)
  • If you are logged in, tap on your avatar > Profile > Edit profile > under name enter the name you want to be displayed > then tap on Save.

How do I add/edit my bio, location, and website?

  • If you are logged in, tap on your avatar > Profile > Edit profile > Enter the information that corresponds with your bio, location and website if one applies > then tap on Save.

How can I get verified?

  • It does not seem that you can request to get verified nor does it seem that they have any requirements i.e. eligibility or criteria posted.

What is the difference between mute and block?

  • Mute: If you chose to mute someone this will not block them as they will still be able to see what your truths and re-truths and they will be able to send you a message. What this does, this just make it so you won’t be noticed when they post a truth and re-truths something.
  • Block: If you chose to block someone this will remove them from following you, seeing your truths, re-truths, and they won’t be able to send you a message.

How do I mute and/or block someone?

  • Go to the person’s profile by tapping on his/her name > click on the three dots (its next to Follow if your not following them and Unfollow if your following them), then you will see “Block <Display Name>”, tap on that depending if your muting or blocking. (Note: If you are following someone and you chose to block someone, you will automatically unfollow them.

How do I follow/unfollow someone?

  • Go to the person’s profile by tapping on his/her name > click on Follow and now your following them.
  • If you want to unfollow someone you can do this two ways 1) Go to the person’s profile by tapping on his/her name > tap on unfollow 2.) you can tap on your avatar > tap on following > tap on unfollow when you find the person who you wish to unfollow.

Can I edit my truth?

  • No, one you truth, your truth has been sent, you can remove your truth.

I’ve posted a truth, where did it go?

  • If you post a truth on your profile, it will be on your profile i.e. wall. If you are replying to someone’s truth, it will be under the truth but you will need to click on “Full Thread” and you should see it. If you do not see it, it has been posted but you may have to scroll for it, however you can go to your profile and then tap on truth and replies and then you can see it.

How to I remove a truth I’ve posted?

  • Tap on your avatar > Profile > find the truth you want to remove > tap on the three dots > tap on Delete.

I’ve re-truths, where did that go?

  • It’s on your profile, it will be under Truths and also under Truths & Replies.

How to I remove a re-truths?

  • Tap on your avatar > Profile > find the re-truth > tap on the between with the two arrows that look like they are going in circles.

What are some accounts I should follow?

  • You should follow @truthsupport and @truthsocial

Where is the official help pages?


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