![]() Locked out of Facebook? Noooo! Don’t panic here’s how to get back into Facebook.
Have you ever gone to Facebook and after entering your login credentials instead of Facebook being you to the main page, you are instead redirected to https://www.facebook.com/checkpoint/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and there does not seem away to bypass this either or is there? Today Tuesday, May 28, 2024 like every other day I go to facebook.com and enter … Locked out of Facebook? Noooo! Don’t panic here’s how to get back into Facebook. |
![]() Trump is found guilty on all charges, holds a presser the next day, Biden makes a few comments about the trial and about the on going war over seas to close with being presented with a helmet at the White House later that day.
As the workweek comes to a close and end of the month a few major news events happen this week, the week of 5/27/24 – 5/30/24. Trump’s trial comes to an end with a guilty verdict on all charges on Thursday. After the trial and Trump comes out of the court room to make a … Trump is found guilty on all charges, holds a presser the next day, Biden makes a few comments about the trial and about the on going war over seas to close with being presented with a helmet at the White House later that day. |
![]() Amazon Prime Exclusive: Watch Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2024) early release in theaters. One day only Jan 31th.
Did you get an email from Amazon titled “Mr. & Mrs. Smith’ Season 1 | You’re invited to an exclusive screening” will you be going or skipping? If you remembered the original movie, Mr. and Mrs. Smith from 2005, starring Brad Pitt as John Smith and Angelina Jolie as Jane Smith where they are both … Amazon Prime Exclusive: Watch Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2024) early release in theaters. One day only Jan 31th. |
![]() How to setup your email with your iPad or iPhone?
If you click on an email address or a link that has an email address chances are you are going to open up the app that handles the receiving and sending of emails. On the screen you can chose iCloud, Microsoft Exchange, Google, Yahoo, AOL, Outlook and other. For this we will be using our … How to setup your email with your iPad or iPhone? |
![]() Need to send a fax to someone? Try this app, it works and it’s free*
Today in 2024 sending a fax is almost a thing of the past but it is still a legacy as it is old way of sending documents to another person as opposed to sending emails, texting or using the cloud which has become pretty much a normal practice of sending, and receiving documents. In 2024 … Need to send a fax to someone? Try this app, it works and it’s free* |
![]() Find your Bootstrap for your site
Here is a list of the different bootstraps to chose from, we have Twitter, Google, Facebook, Fort-Awesome, and Pongstagr.am (Instagram inspired). Twitter Bootstrap Markup: HTML, CSS and JS. License: Bootstrap is released under the MIT license Usage: Personal, private, company internal, or commercial purposes Price: Free Official license: getbootstrap.com/getting-started/#license-faqs Main website: getbootstrap.com (Also includes downloads, … Find your Bootstrap for your site |
![]() If you use VestaCP this code will allow you to allow signups on your VPS
I was browse through the community forum for the control panel that I am currently using, which is VestaCP, I came across this tread titled “VestaCP API for web hosting signup automation”. The person who posted this suspected that the issue was in the section of “// New Accountsection of” after testing it for myself … If you use VestaCP this code will allow you to allow signups on your VPS |
![]() How Married with Children became a success? Streisand effect?
Married with Children was a sitcom that aired in the late 80s and early 90s featuring a family. The family members were Al Bundy (dad), Peggy “Peg” Bundy (wife) and they had two children, Kelly Bundy, daughter, and Bud Bundy, son. The family lived in Chicago, Illinois in a residential middle-class neighborhood. Al, was a … How Married with Children became a success? Streisand effect? |
![]() How to join Sam’s Club for only 25 dollars?
Warehouse clubs usually require a membership to join and not all members pay the same price to join and you can be one of those members who do not pay the full price. If you go to Inbox Dollars > on this page under the category “ Sam’s Club Deals & Sales (5)”, the second … How to join Sam’s Club for only 25 dollars? |
![]() Calculator Plus v2: Free no advertisements, restrictions, etc.
Coming across an app on the App Store that does not contain any pop-ups, advertisements, restrictions, or limitations, and being able to download it 100% free and being able to use it indefinitely meaning, it isn’t a trial is an extreme rarity. If you are looking for a calculator to install on your Apple device, … Calculator Plus v2: Free no advertisements, restrictions, etc. |